Holly and Matthew Anglin always dreamed of starting a poultry farm, and First Financial Bank helped make this life and career shift a reality.
Becoming a poultry farmer who works with a major integrator can be a fantastic business opportunity. Before you can begin though, you’ll have to acquire a business loan.
Are you looking to keep your poultry farm expenses down? Poultry farming can be expensive, but you can cut costs and increase your farm’s bottom line in several ways.
Do you need to acquire a piece of agricultural equipment or a farm building to replace one that has worn out or to expand your operations? Leasing may be a great option for you.
Buying a farm is a big decision. Whether you want to commercially raise poultry, dairy cows, cattle, or produce one of many crops, is a big decision. You may need a loan to help get you started. That’s where the Farm Service Agency (FSA) and knowledgeable lenders like First Financial Bank come in – to assist family farmers like you.
Many of our Farm & Ranch loan customers have unique and awe-inspiring stories. We thought you would enjoy hearing about this wonderful one!
“Our customers may never know where our branch offices are located, but they know our cell numbers.” – Ben Chandler, Managing Director of the Poultry Division for First Financial Bank.
Are you looking to buy a farm – and not sure where to find the right loan or what you’ll need to secure it to support your plans? Learn more about the requirements for farm land loans here.
Timm Klump’s ranching roots run deep through generations of his family – beginning with his great-great-grandfather, John Walter Klump. With ongoing work and strong relationships, they lay the groundwork for future generations’ success.
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