Poultry Farm Loans: Business Loan Application Process

First Financial Bank

Becoming a poultry farmer who works with a major integrator can be a fantastic business opportunity. Before you can begin though, you’ll have to acquire a business loan.

The business loan application process for poultry farmers can feel daunting, especially since it involves working with an integrator. However, navigating the process is easier with the right information and experienced lending partners.

Getting a Poultry Farm Loan

First Financial Bank has extensive experience working with commercial poultry farmers and the agricultural industry, which means you’ll be in good hands. In fact, our loans have helped create close to 500,000 jobs in the poultry and egg industry. Joining this critical industry will help the U.S. economy and provide food for millions of people. Additionally, you could help build a solid future for yourself and your family. Poultry sales in the U.S. climbed by 67% between 2022 and 2023, so there is a lot of room to make a healthy profit.

Understanding some of the steps in the process can help get you on the right path.

Step 1: Research to Build Your Business Plan

The first step to acquiring a loan is to write out your business proposal. Do your research. This includes speaking to other farmers who work with the poultry integrator company you’ll be working with to confirm your understanding of how it works. Be sure you’re aware of all the pros and cons. For instance, any business can have highs and lows, and you will need to have some cash in reserve for any low periods.

Step 2: Establish a Relationship with the Integrator

Next, you’ll need to have an agreement with a poultry company, otherwise known as an integrator. After all, without an agreement in place, how can a lender provide financing for birds? Work with your attorney to carefully review the terms and conditions of the contract you’d be signing. Be aware that most major integrators will require your farm to be relatively close to one of their complexes. Usually, this ranges from a 30-to-50-mile radius.

Step 3: Complying with Laws, Regulations, and Other Requirements

Unless you’re purchasing an existing poultry farm, you’ll want to ensure that the construction process meets all local and state laws regarding environmental impacts and zoning. Additionally, your chosen company can provide you with equipment recommendations and poultry house design requirements. Always be sure to follow any recommendations the company gives you. If you are buying an existing poultry farm, the structures and procedures should already be consistent with the integrator’s agreement. If you purchase that farm, you may choose to work with the same integrator or another integrator in the same area, so build your plans accordingly.

Step 4: Partner with a Poultry Lender Who “Gets It”

As you are working to complete this process, contact your local First Financial Bank Lender to begin the loan process. Unlike other lenders, we’ll even come to you. After you’ve completed your application, we can work with you to understand and navigate the business loan underwriting process. As an FSA-approved and SBA Preferred Lender, we have several options available to help you. We’ve been in boots like yours and understand the ins and outs of poultry farming. We have the expertise to not only help you financially but also to answer questions that directly pertain to the poultry industry.

You’ve Acquired a Loan: Now What?

Filling out a loan application and getting approved is only the beginning of your poultry farming journey. Next, it’ll be important to tackle the rest of the requirements for poultry contract farming.

After Building or Acquiring Your Poultry Farm

Congratulations! You’ve got your loan, selected an integrator, and your poultry farm is now ready to go. So, how do you ensure your poultry farm is successful, and you can make your loan payments on time? Remember to:

  • Ensure You Follow Every Guideline in Your Contract

Work with your field service reps to help you implement the best possible management programs. This will help ensure you’re able to produce the highest possible flock performance.

  • Properly Maintain Your Equipment and Buildings

Your poultry farm will require regular maintenance to remain in good shape. If you fail to do this, you’ll begin to experience a loss in eggs or flock, which will impact your ability to meet your income goals. Instead, be sure to stay on top of your collection and processing equipment. Furthermore, perform regular preventative maintenance on your watering, feeding, and ventilation equipment as well.

  • Prepare Your House Before You Receive a Flock

Before a delivery, ensure you’ve removed old litter/manure, spread out new litter, and clean and disinfect your equipment and house. This will help prevent the outbreak of a disease.

  • Perform Flock Management Activities

Be prepared to spend six to eight hours per day managing each house. Also, be prepared to work seven days a week for at least 45 weeks if you have your egg layers in place.

  • Prevent Disease – It’s Critical

To keep your flock safe, do not visit other poultry farms. Additionally, limit access to your houses. Remember: Any disease that enters your farm will hurt you financially. Our Poultry Lending Officers adhere to a strict process when we visit you to help prevent infection. Follow whatever vaccination programs are enforced by your integrator.

  • Keep Access Roads and the Grounds in Good Shape

Access roads need to be kept in good shape so that loading areas and feed bins are easy to access. You’ll also want to keep the area around your layer house well drained. Don’t forget to keep your grass mowed and prevent weeds to help minimize rodent problems.

  • Remember What the Integrator is Responsible For

It is absolutely imperative that you do not use insecticides, pesticides, chemicals, medications, or vaccinations in or around your poultry houses unless you’ve received company approval.

Poultry Farming Helps the U.S.

Your poultry farm has the potential to feed millions of people. Take pride in it and know that you’ve chosen an industry that keeps Americans well fed. Our team can help you with navigating the process to meet your needs, including:

  • Purchasing an existing poultry farm
  • Building a new poultry farm
  • Leasing equipment

We can also help you refinance or expand your existing poultry farm. We offer a variety of different terms and rates to make it easier for you to bring your vision to life. Whether you’re looking to buy an all-inclusive existing poultry farm or start completely from scratch with a farm land loan, let’s chat.

Get a free consultation to discuss your plans with one of our experienced Poultry Lending Officers.

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